City Center potential site
The City Center site is located just north of main street in the area commonly known as the "mill pond". The old creamery used to be on the north end of this area. The site is north of the bowling alley and east of the railroad tracks. On the north edge is 2nd Street NW. The east edge is 2nd Ave NW.
The New Prague City Council has chosen this site for the POPS facility.
The City Council has authorized a study of potential uses for this site and how the POPS facility could fit into those plans. That study should be complete by the summer of 2024. Some ideas regarding potential uses for the site include a new City Hall and multi-unit residential housing on the north end, the POPS facility near the middle of the site and a drainage holding pond on the south end of the site.
View from the southeast corner looking towards the northwest
View from the south looking towards the north
View from the southwest corner looking towards the northeast
View from the southwest corner looking towards the northeast
View from the south looking towards the north
View from the northwest corner looking towards the southeast
View from the east looking towards the west
View from the northeast corner looking towards the southwest
View from the north looking towards the south